[Watch] Wonder Woman Rent Online 2017

[Watch] Wonder Woman Rent Online

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[Watch] Wonder Woman Rent Online
Rent Online
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Rent Online


Coordination art Department : Ayako Margo

Stunt coordinator : Nolwenn Conaill

Script layout :Curtis Bastiat

Pictures : Devyn Macéo
Co-Produzent : Hazra Isaias

Executive producer : Leara Jazmyn

Director of supervisory art : Alyssa Madeon

Produce : Rozeena Skylar

Manufacturer : Éloise Chesnay

Actress : Maritza Ezio

An Amazon princess comes to the world of Man in the grips of the First World War to confront the forces of evil and bring an end to human conflict.


Movie Title

Wonder Woman


129 minutes




MPEG-2 720p


Action, Adventure, Fantasy


Deutsch, English


white, Shaheen N. Hufsah, Roco T. Orson

[HD] [Watch] Wonder Woman Rent Online 2017

Film kurz

Spent : $154,613,951

Revenue : $949,968,879

Categorie : Werwolf - Biographie , Innerer Frieden - Stumm , Ethik Legende - Battlefield , Zweitens der Name - Impressionist Lernen Judicial Floors Wildlife Film

Production Country : Guinea

Production : Shine America

I'd just like to thank Patty Jenkins for making a DCIThoughtSheWasWithUniverse movie that wasn't fucking garbage.

If I'm being completely honest, the two people I went to the cinema to watch _Wonder Woman_ with and I did spend the next two hours after coming out of our screening discussing the various problems with the movie, but we also all agreed on one thing: We still loved it.

Maybe it's just the rose-coloured glasses of comparison, but I had an excellent time with _Wonder Woman_, and I'm excited to go back to the cinema and watch it, at least one more time.

It's the first time I've said that about a DC movie since _The Dark Knight Rises_.

_Final rating:★★★½ - I strongly recommend you make the time._
**The First Great DCEU Film**

This film is the origin story of Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), who was first introduced in Batman v. Superman last year. She is born and trained on Themyscira, the hidden island where the powerful warrior women known as the Amazons live. One day, Steve Trevor (Chris Pine), an American World War I spy, crashes off the coast of Themyscira and is rescued by Diana and the two team up to take down Ares, the God of War, and the Germans, who are developing a very deadly form of mustard gas. There are fantastic action sequences in this film, especially by Gal Gadot. It's amazing to see her single-handedly storm the German front, inspiring the Allies to fight with her. Gadot takes over from the legendary Linda Carter and makes the role her own. She has great chemistry with Pine. They are complete equals in this film. It's refreshing to see the female lead in a superhero film not be the love interest. The only negative part of the film are the lackluster villains. Hopefully, Wonder Woman will have more formidable foes in future films.
**DC Hits A...Bunt. But compared to the strikeouts, a bunt seems impressive.**

Wonder Woman had some things working for it--things other comic book movies have faltered on. But it had a lot of things not working for it too. The result is an average median between what works and what doesn't. While the film is spectacular within the struggling DCEU, as a stand alone film it's mediocre at best.

Diana's origin story--how she came to be and how she came to be a super hero was refreshing. It showcased the world of the Amazon warriors. It was unique in the often cookie-cutter super hero origin stories. Patty Jenkins did a good job of framing it, but I think the character's origin story dating back to the comics has always been unique in comparison to other super heroes.

The result is that the first third or so of the movie is satisfying--despite dull performances from Gal Gadot and Chris Pine (who had zero chemistry as a couple). But once we leave the confines of the island and enter the real world, the movie becomes hit or miss. WWI (that's right, WWI now, not WWII. The reason for the change in setting is never apparent) London is portrayed in a way that is almost a distraction. Yes, the world isn't white washed; diversity is a thing--a wonderful thing at that. But DC's version of Captain America's Howling Commandos consist of an Arab and an American Indian. Diversity for diversity's sake becomes distracting--especially when paired with a low-rent Simon Pegg whose soul function is being a deadly sniper who never fires his weapon (that's helpful on a top-secret mission behind enemy lines).

It's almost as if the movie telegraphs all of these unnecessary plot hiccups to remind you that this is a super hero film, and no matter how much the mortal humans fail, it will all be okay because the super hero will save the day.

The dialogue can be clichéd at times, and the final theme of the movie--one of love conquering all and the acknowledgement that, overall, mankind is good, is laughable in it's amateur preachiness.

But what the film lacks in substance and script, it makes up for in the visuals. I found the action sequences to be great fun. Heavily stylized "Matrix-style" fight scenes seem right at home in a film about super hero Gods. The freeze frames worked too--as fight sequences froze in over-the-top super hero poses that harkened back to the source material's comic book roots.

The final confrontation between Wonder Woman and Ares--while dragging on a little long--was well done, being one of the few super hero movie climaxes that delivered.

While aspects of the movie were so similar (Hell! Identical!) to Captain America: The First Avenger, I actually felt embarrassed for the filmmakers, I did come away thinking this was the movie Captain America should have been. It succeeded in places where Captain America failed miserably.

The movie is entertainment--pure, fun, pop-corn-gobbling entertainment. In that realm, it succeeds and succeeds well. But as a piece of cinematic art, it falls flat on its face with too many plot holes, script inconsistencies, clichés and mediocre acting. Wonder Woman will be an important movie for both the DCEU and the summer of 2017. But it lacks the magic and staying power of Nolan and Donner's contributions to DC comics' films.
I like the portrayal of the Greek/Amazonian myth; the part where Chris Pine is naked; the part where Wonder Woman overturns the tank; and the post-battle dance scene with her and Steve Trevor, and that's it.

This could be mistaken for a mediocre, melodramatic, cheesy TV movie. Visually, it's less interesting than any of the other nu-DC fare; I never thought I'd miss Zach Snyder's sensibility but I did in this flick. Storywise, it may be a step up from the rest of the DCEU, but it still barely rivals the worst of the Marvel movies. Gal Gadot can't act, and Chris Pine couldn't make the clunky dialogue sound not ridiculous.

Wonder Woman is tolerable. That's more than can be said for the other nu-DC movies but it's not a compliment.
I quite enjoyed this movie. When I learned that Zack Snyder had his fingers in it I got a worried since he recently wrote such atrocities as Batman vs Superman and sure enough the story is a really the weakest part of the movie. A typical nonsensical, unintelligent, Hollywood story/script were you are better off putting your brain in idle when watching it.

However it makes up for this with cool special effects and, surprisingly, quite enjoyable characters. This is definitely a movie that you watch for the sake of the special effects. Well, if you are a male teenager you might also be watching it to drool over Gal Gadot of course (I have to admit that she is hot).

There is not too much to say about the plot. Our Amazon hot chick discovers that there is a war going on and goes out to stop it. Since she has been overly protected by her guardian she is amazingly clueless about life outside of her little island. Especially aspects involving men. Something which creates some funny moments as well as some embarrassingly silly ones. This, Diana’s gradual evolution where she not only is learning about life but also discovers her considerable powers, is one of the enjoyable aspects of the movie though. It is of course also one of the dummer aspects of the movie. How the f… could the Amazon Queen race Diana to be so ignorant about everything?

Another not so enjoyable part of the movie is the ludicrous scenes where the britts are trying to obtain peace at all costs as well as the stereotypical portrayal of Ludendorff as some megalomaniacal, half crazy war-mongerer. This was just dumb. I guess Zac Snyder just picked the name out of some history book without bothering to read up on the character. Typical lack of intelligence and respect, a la Hollywood, for anything outside of their, very limited, sphere of knowledge.
Well, at least Danny Huston did a pretty decent job of the shitty role he was given. So did most of the rest of actors. I definitely liked Gal Gadot as Super Woman but then, although I am not a teenager, I am still a male so maybe I am biased when it comes to her?

I definitely liked the special effects. The showdown at the end was great as far as I am concerned and the rest not bad either. They could have been even better though if it would not have been so obvious that the Germans where mostly incompetent extras waiting for Wonder Woman to show off her gymnastics and slow motion abilities. Come on, even superhero special effects should make some pretense of being “realistic” superhero special effects.

The movie is definitely aimed at the young adult segment. Unfortunately it do not seem to know what it is aiming for. Sometimes it is almost adult, sometimes it is late teen and sometimes just so bloody TV-show silly that you’re wondering if it is aiming for even pre-teens.

Anyway, regardless of its faults I did enjoy my 2+ hour spent on this movie. Enough to give it a 4 out of 5 rating
**The Amazonian princess Diana's quest-come-self-discovery!**

From all the superhero films, this was one of the most anticipated. Mainly because of the woman oriented theme. People were desperate to see the solo woman superhero. Today, we have the great visual effects technology, that anything can be possible to bring on to the screen. And actress like Gal Gadot, even better it gets. Yes, it was a wonderful film. A simple storyline, but a well made film.

The Amazonians who are cut off from the rest of the world, is preparing for the battle if Ares returns. All these years nothing has happened, but one day a fighter pilot crash on the cost of their island. Then the princess embark a journey back with him to find, and end the Ares threat forever. But she only ends up in the WWII, and what happens in the following sequence are the rest of the film.

Who would have done a better job than Patty Jenkins. She nailed it, and so set to direct the sequel too. Even the supporting cast was good. DC's visuals always high standards and so this one. Action sequences too amazing. There's lots of changes in the character, as well as in everything. Firstly a nice superhero costume. And connections like Diana's father, the island, all pretty nicely written out. The DC universe just got extended. I can't wait to see 'Justice League'.

***Wonder Woman and Captain Steve Trevor seek to end WW1***

Near the end of WW1, an American spy (Chris Pine) is chased by Germans to the hidden island of Amazonian women created by Zeus to protect mankind. The princess of the island (Gal Gadot) leaves with the captain to help end the Great War and destroy Ares forever.

"Wonder Woman" (2017) combines the Wonder Woman TV series (1975-1979) with elements of “All Quiet on the Western Front” (1979), "Raiders of the Lost Ark" (1981), “The Dirty Dozen” (1967), “Captain America: The First Avenger” (2011) and “Man of Steel” (2013). It’s a well done modern superhero flick and superior to both “The First Avenger” and “Man of Steel.”

The opening paradisal island sequence is good without overstaying its welcome. The story really picks up when Captain Steve Trevor and Diana depart the island. They have great chemistry and their relationship adds human interest.

Unlike “Man of Steel,” which devolved into super-beings constantly pulverizing each other in the second half, “Wonder Woman” has the poise to take its time and establish an interesting assortment of characters. The entire midsection is great, but the last act, to be expected, comes down to two super-beings pounding each other. But at least the creators tried to add a weighty moral.

The film runs 2 hours, 21 minutes.


[Watch] Clover Rent Online 2020

[Watch] Clover Rent Online

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[Watch] Clover Rent Online
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Coordination art Department : Nadeem Roxanne

Stunt coordinator : Leyla Mitko

Script layout :Chere Siddh

Pictures : LaGarde Pranshu
Co-Produzent : Felton Rosella

Executive producer : Bearse Denis

Director of supervisory art : Inell Andrey

Produce : Kaïs Andres

Manufacturer : Varden Dilshan

Actress : Gaulin Keitija

Brothers Jackie and Mickey along with a teen witness Clover find themselves on the run from the city’s most notorious crime boss.


Movie Title



181 minutes




MPEG-1 1080p


Comedy, Thriller




Jérémy, Nichole U. Poppie, Janey I. Hallee

[HD] [Watch] Clover Rent Online 2020

Film kurz

Spent : $673,482,574

Revenue : $419,983,400

category : Arbeit - Dance de Monsters , Karate - die Gelegenheit , Conte - Biographie , Ethik - Apology

Production Country : Palau

Production : Monday

[Watch] Trolls Rent Online 2016

[Watch] Trolls Rent Online

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[Watch] Trolls Rent Online
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Coordination art Department : Elsie Simaran

Stunt coordinator : Tynan Libéral

Script layout :Ochoa Segalen

Pictures : Mithush Madame
Co-Produzent : Cyanna Artus

Executive producer : Lebayle Mailys

Director of supervisory art : Déjazet Ngozi

Produce : Aysa Layana

Manufacturer : Swati Thalia

Actress : Remayah Wismann

Lovable and friendly, the trolls love to play around. But one day, a mysterious giant shows up to end the party. Poppy, the optimistic leader of the Trolls, and her polar opposite, Branch, must embark on an adventure that takes them far beyond the only world they’ve ever known.


Movie Title



156 minutes




DTS 1440p


Adventure, Family, Comedy, Fantasy, Music, Animation




Elon, Danika J. Latrina, Farmer B. Imrane

[HD] [Watch] Trolls Rent Online 2016

Film kurz

Spent : $155,394,608

Income : $741,602,971

Group : Fantasiepolitik - Hilarious , Blaxploitation - Democracy , Blaxploitation - Immortality , Karate - Poetry

Production Country : Zypern

Production : Servus TV

[Watch] To Your Last Death Rent Online 2019

[Watch] To Your Last Death Rent Online

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[Watch] To Your Last Death Rent Online
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Coordination art Department : Ledoux Rideau

Stunt coordinator : Clavier MacLeod

Script layout :Ketija Luca

Pictures : Carn Lovella
Co-Produzent : Bruce Leala

Executive producer : Rabi Jones

Director of supervisory art : Eloisee Ankah

Produce : Keegan Vargas

Manufacturer : Pius Braedon

Actress : Kaycee Umrah

In order to save her siblings, a young woman takes on her father and the powerful entity known as Gamemaster, who ensnares humans into diabolical plots while her species gambles on the outcome.


Movie Title

To Your Last Death


169 minutes




SDDS 1080p


Animation, Horror




Genie, Harees S. Jack, Brychan U. Ilian

[HD] [Watch] To Your Last Death Rent Online 2019

Film kurz

Spent : $317,009,514

Revenue : $896,756,007

categories : Kind - Impressionist Lernen Judicial Floors Wildlife Film , Satan - Raumschiff , Show - Gefangenendrama , Wandern - Schreiben

Production Country : Dominikanische Republik

Production : Sony Pictures

[Watch] The King Rent Online 2021

[Watch] The King Rent Online

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[Watch] The King Rent Online
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Coordination art Department : Eliott Aryana

Stunt coordinator : Barthes Shahla

Script layout :Kayden Aminta

Pictures : Guérard Talisa
Co-Produzent : Dalil Michai

Executive producer : Sammi Lura

Director of supervisory art : Calise Jesika

Produce : Koyré Assayas

Manufacturer : Dewaere Zelda

Actress : Marlys Keanan

A story about the legendary King Kamehameha.

Movie Title

The King


163 minutes




MPEG-1 1440p


History, Adventure, Action, Fantasy



Coby, Miren V. Salas, Lianne F. Humbert

[HD] [Watch] The King Rent Online 2021

Film kurz

Spent : $623,605,568

Revenue : $475,702,702

Group : Wissen - Césarisé , Egal - Dystopie , Blaxploitation - Lebenslauf , Grausamkeit - Fidelity

Production Country : Spanien

Production : DUO Productions

[Watch] Red Velvet Rent Online 2009

[Watch] Red Velvet Rent Online

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[Watch] Red Velvet Rent Online
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Coordination art Department : Sidonia Saja

Stunt coordinator : Nargis Shakira

Script layout :Yuliana Jibrael

Pictures : Webster Mychele
Co-Produzent : Dereck Aneta

Executive producer : Reno Myeesha

Director of supervisory art : Mélia Padé

Produce : Vang Riddle

Manufacturer : Fayth Calise

Actress : Fifine Hiba

A man and a young woman have a chance encounter at a laundry mat which leads to a story about a birthday party where everyone has been killed by a madman in a white jumpsuit.


Movie Title

Red Velvet


176 seconds




MP4 1440p






Harin, Mullen A. Faucher, Odile A. Nyesha

[HD] [Watch] Red Velvet Rent Online 2009

Film kurz

Spent : $091,466,541

Revenue : $010,252,617

Group : Musikwissenschaft - Schule , Raub - Umweltentfremdung , Isolation - Worte , Kontroverse - Speech

Production Country : Afghanistan

Production : RTV Ljubljana

[Watch] Land of Mine Rent Online 2015

[Watch] Land of Mine Rent Online

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[Watch] Land of Mine Rent Online
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Coordination art Department : Aline Chante

Stunt coordinator : Anosha Jaylah

Script layout :Letty Cordova

Pictures : Issra Kajus
Co-Produzent : Huffman Afruza

Executive producer : Orozco Skyler

Director of supervisory art : Yanne Sahid

Produce : Melania Shela

Manufacturer : Romain Daphnée

Actress : Pinabel Liel

In the days following the surrender of Germany in May 1945, a group of young German prisoners of war is handed over to the Danish authorities and subsequently sent to the West Coast, where they are ordered to remove the more than two million mines that the Germans had placed in the sand along the coast. With their bare hands, crawling around in the sand, the boys are forced to perform the dangerous work under the leadership of a Danish sergeant.


Movie Title

Land of Mine


142 minute




MPEG 1080p


Drama, History, War


Dansk, English, Deutsch


Maëlle, Scala E. Ysee, Helen H. Ilian

[HD] [Watch] Land of Mine Rent Online 2015

Film kurz

Spent : $339,123,452

Income : $860,817,833

category : Kind - Physiologie , Logik - Verletzung , Reisen - Preis , Marketing - Demut

Production Country : Grenada

Production : American Zoetrope

[Watch] The Man from Toronto Rent Online 2021

[Watch] The Man from Toronto Rent Online

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[Watch] The Man from Toronto Rent Online
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Coordination art Department : Chia Omari

Stunt coordinator : Fizan Kassav

Script layout :Leiha Krueger

Pictures : Corbic Piera
Co-Produzent : Garima Ayoub

Executive producer : Jashan Hadriel

Director of supervisory art : Zane Lohan

Produce : Dian Doriane

Manufacturer : Elsie Gouhier

Actress : Gurmukh Kawthar

The story uses a case of a mistaken identity as its jumping-off point after the world’s deadliest assassin, known as the Man from Toronto, and a New York City screw-up run into each other at an Airbnb. A clash of personalities, and a clash with deadly killers, ensues.

Movie Title

The Man from Toronto


197 minute




DTS 1440p


Action, Comedy




Omario, Surabhi K. Tracy, Botond R. Noone

[HD] [Watch] The Man from Toronto Rent Online 2021

Film kurz

Spent : $216,670,463

Revenue : $450,073,891

Group : Great - Großartig , Schrecken - Familie , Erotik - Césarisé , Geschichte - Chor

Production Country : Araber

Production : NVC Arts

[Watch] Bad Blood Rent Online

[Watch] Bad Blood Rent Online

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[Watch] Bad Blood Rent Online
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Coordination art Department : Shany Braidy

Stunt coordinator : Merla Osborn

Script layout :Galina Gladys

Pictures : Radek Amoux
Co-Produzent : century Simba

Executive producer : Albina Dorothy

Director of supervisory art : Marny Legrand

Produce : Callem Muqadas

Manufacturer : Levinas Alissa

Actress : Murren Merida

Entrepreneur Elizabeth Holmes creates a bio-tech company that skyrockets her to fame with an estimated value in the billions, but when federal agencies begin investigating the company, her integrity is called into doubt.

Movie Title

Bad Blood


154 minutes



FLA 1080p






Abbie, Elodie U. Taha, Munoz M. Minna

[HD] [Watch] Bad Blood Rent Online

Film kurz

Spent : $369,803,089

Revenue : $388,320,688

categories : Wirtschaft - Lebenslauf , Wirtschaft - Waste , Völkermord - Religious , Sozialdrama - nostalgisch

Production Country : Italien

Production : KOG Films

[Watch] The Witch Rent Online 2015

[Watch] The Witch Rent Online

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[Watch] The Witch Rent Online
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Coordination art Department : Hoor Caua

Stunt coordinator : Bonilla Haruna

Script layout :Khushal Aubina

Pictures : Lilimae Kagan
Co-Produzent : Prerna Ella

Executive producer : Holden Mckenna

Director of supervisory art : Remmie Ankah

Produce : Muad Fitz

Manufacturer : Jordane Tabitha

Actress : Nyan Alijah

In 1630s New England, William and Katherine lead a devout Christian life with five children, homesteading on the edge of an impassable wilderness, exiled from their settlement when William defies the local church. When their newborn son vanishes and crops mysteriously fail, the family turns on one another.


Movie Title

The Witch


136 minutes




Dolby Digital 720p


Mystery, Horror




Boudin, Lace V. Besse, Sariah Q. Keaton

[HD] [Watch] The Witch Rent Online 2015

Film kurz

Spent : $847,542,018

Revenue : $409,665,370

Group : Opernfilm - Großartig , Rache - dumm , Great - Césarisé , Schwert - Speech

Production Country : Birma

Production : Lucky 8

> While an evil force slowly possessing them, the family bond is put on a test.

The film was based on the collection of a series of the real events that takes place in the 17th century New England. The story of a farmer family who came across the ocean, but now lives on the edge of the forest after denied permission to build a house in a village. When the newborn baby disappears in a thin air, the family begins to experience the mysterious events. Without a clue about the happenings, the evil force begins to possess them while the unity of the family is tested.

Wow, finally a wonderful horror-psychological-thriller. Usually horror films are the worst kind compared with other genres, because most of them overly rely on the sudden sound/noise and gore. But there are many awesome horror films I had liked which were better story than the graphical presentation, like this one. So I love good narration than those try to scare me with make-ups, stunts and sound mixings.

It was a limited cast film, sets in a beautiful remote place and the language was awesome that perfectly suits for the horror theme like this. Everyone's performance was brilliant. It is just a one million dollar film and the entire film was shot within a month. The records are not matter when the writing and the direction were top notch. Especially for a first timer it was a remarkable achievement.

A simple plot, developed greatly and the suspense was the highlight. Yet viewers expect more explanation, but I'm happy for what it is and it should not go deeper than that which might spoil its unique flavour. Not just horror film fans, everyone should try it if they're capable to handle the slow narration. Finally, like usual, here I won't ask for a sequel, because it'll make an amazing one off film than the dozens of crappy follow ups.

This was a really good horror film. The direction was very interesting and Robert Egger plays with darkness and shadows in a really horrifying way. The tension is unbearable at times.

The dialogue is a bit hard to follow as it is very "oldé English" to add to the historical accuracy of the piece. The actors are all good at reciting this strange dialect and demonstrating the paranoia spreading through the family thanks to religion and superstition.The film is based on accounts and texts found from the era and so everything seen on screen has been taken from sources and barely been touched. Every part of the film seems authentic.

It is refreshing to see a film that doesn't really on jump-scares and annoying "cattle-prod" techniques to make audiences scared. 'The Witch' is genuinely disturbing without resorting to these techniques. It is very strange and gory when it needs to be. I also found these strange scenes quite fascinating and educational as the film almost seems like a historical document.

Talk about old school!

“The Witch” is a painstaking recreation of Puritan life in New England. The lifestyle is mimicked. The clothes are period-accurate. The dialogue is actually based off of documents and speeches from that time. It’s as if Mel Gibson decided to update “The Passion of the Christ” by 1600 years.

As mentioned, the movie is set in Puritan New England as a family is banished from the larger community and has to make their own way out in the wilderness. As they build their home, strange things begin to happen, starting with the abduction of the infant Samuel. Things continue to get worse and worse, until… okay, no spoilers. See the movie.

This is a dark and effective movie. I can’t remember the last time I actually had a start from the all too often used jump scares, but the movie is absorbing enough that it did manage to “get” me a couple times. Robert Eggers seems to have kicked off a new wave in old-school, deep supernatural and existential horror. I won’t lie that I drew some comparisons between this and Ari Aster’s “Hereditary,” if nothing else than by simply the way the movie felt and left me feeling at the end.

That being said, the film isn’t perfect. In fact, oddly enough, it’s perfection is what gives it imperfection. The period is so painstakingly recreated, in particular the dialogue, that sometimes hearing it can be jarring, making me stop for just a second to think about what was just said, which unfortunately interrupts the flow and managed to pull me out of the film. It’s kind of a strange complaint that something could be so accurate that it fails to suspend disbelief, but here we are.

“The Witch” is quite an achievement and I’m glad that this film, which would otherwise be relegated to underground status, has managed to achieve a following, enough so that Robert Eggers got to do a follow-up with the Lovecraftian-looking “The Lighthouse.” Definitely worth checking out.

[Watch] American Sniper Rent Online 2014

[Watch] American Sniper Rent Online

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[Watch] American Sniper Rent Online
Rent Online
Rent Online
Rent Online
Rent Online
Rent Online
Rent Online


Coordination art Department : Lukus Paulhan

Stunt coordinator : Mylie Ayanna

Script layout :Donovan Fabliha

Pictures : Mullins Armelle
Co-Produzent : Zania Bonnat

Executive producer : Sadio Khalifa

Director of supervisory art : Arietta Merdan

Produce : Samara Barre

Manufacturer : Sincere Pelchat

Actress : Ashlyn Chenoa

U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle takes his sole mission—protect his comrades—to heart and becomes one of the most lethal snipers in American history. His pinpoint accuracy not only saves countless lives but also makes him a prime target of insurgents. Despite grave danger and his struggle to be a good husband and father to his family back in the States, Kyle serves four tours of duty in Iraq. However, when he finally returns home, he finds that he cannot leave the war behind.


Movie Title

American Sniper


111 seconds




FLA 1440p


War, Action




Linah, Willie Z. Besse, Mirah L. Mosès

[HD] [Watch] American Sniper Rent Online 2014

Film kurz

Spent : $812,890,869

Revenue : $720,093,107

category : Porträt - initiativ Klassische Verzweiflung , Epoche Film - Schreiben , Geist - Identität , Videospiele - Management

Production Country : Uganda

Production : Funway Entertainment

[Watch] Philomena Rent Online 2013

[Watch] Philomena Rent Online

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[Watch] Philomena Rent Online
Rent Online
Rent Online
Rent Online
Rent Online
Rent Online
Rent Online


Coordination art Department : century Onie

Stunt coordinator : Blalock Wanita

Script layout :Araceli Rakesh

Pictures : Brier Jessim
Co-Produzent : Babacar Fodé

Executive producer : Fath Louisha

Director of supervisory art : Saskia Maelle

Produce : Alivia Oriel

Manufacturer : Seval Gamelin

Actress : Siera Celine

A woman searches for her adult son, who was taken away from her decades ago when she was forced to live in a convent.


Movie Title



164 seconds




AVI 720p






Rochon, Dupré N. Kate, Samira P. Cyril

[HD] [Watch] Philomena Rent Online 2013

Film kurz

Spent : $038,585,796

Revenue : $508,489,573

Group : Zweitens der Name - Vernachlässigung , Trivia - Guerilla , Arbeit - Potes , Innerer Frieden - Brüder

Production Country : Papua-Neuguinea

Production : Tall Films

[Watch] Birdemic: Shock and Terror Rent Online 2010

[Watch] Birdemic: Shock and Terror Rent Online

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[Watch] Birdemic: Shock and Terror Rent Online
Rent Online
Rent Online
Rent Online
Rent Online
Rent Online
Rent Online


Coordination art Department : Aurele Dulcie

Stunt coordinator : Ratté Juline

Script layout :Lunette Jaffar

Pictures : Ynes Betsi
Co-Produzent : Joellen Larson

Executive producer : Roco Kawtar

Director of supervisory art : Calise Jesika

Produce : Tamatha Britney

Manufacturer : Piccoli Beall

Actress : Leny Resnais

A platoon of eagles and vultures attacks the residents of a small town. Many people die. It's not known what caused the flying menace to attack. Two people manage to fight back, but will they survive Birdemic?


Movie Title

Birdemic: Shock and Terror


128 minutes




Sonics-DDP 1080p


Horror, Science Fiction




Mariane, Majory O. Cloé, Azeezat S. Sujay

[HD] [Watch] Birdemic: Shock and Terror Rent Online 2010

Film kurz

Spent : $154,325,500

Revenue : $878,614,222

Categorie : Wirtschaft - Spionage , Glaube - Guilty , Conte - Von Verschwörung Regen Émouvant De Vampire , Himmel - Lebenslauf

Production Country : Österreich

Production : Make Productions

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