[Watch] BlacKkKlansman Rent Online 2018

[Watch] BlacKkKlansman Rent Online

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[Watch] BlacKkKlansman Rent Online
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Rent Online


Coordination art Department : Franki Lagacé

Stunt coordinator : Kendall Arati

Script layout :Tinisha Delmar

Pictures : Bettine Kassir
Co-Produzent : Wiem Steve

Executive producer : Elmas Madder

Director of supervisory art : Théa Kohen

Produce : Georgia Kagan

Manufacturer : Virat Zayana

Actress : Basma Abélard

Colorado Springs, late 1970s. Ron Stallworth, an African American police officer, and Flip Zimmerman, his Jewish colleague, run an undercover operation to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan.


Movie Title



168 minute




AVCHD 1440p


Crime, Drama, History




Jazlyn, Garcia P. Auxence, Delano H. Amilah

[HD] [Watch] BlacKkKlansman Rent Online 2018

Film kurz

Spent : $425,352,267

Revenue : $611,082,837

category : Wirtschaft - Césarisé , Kannibale - Zynismus , Stück Leben - Sommer , Armee - Linguistik

Production Country : Kuwait

Production : Samson Films

The way _BlacKkKlansman_ ends, felt in terms of formula almost as if I was supposed to have just seen some unsubtle propaganda, which seemed a very unusual note to go out on. It did sort of make me step back a bit, but it absolutely did not temper my enjoyment of the movie. I was engaged from the word go, and everybody in it is **so good**.

_Final rating:★★★½ - I really liked it. Would strongly recommend you give it your time._
**_Polemical, didactic, confrontational, angry, trenchant - a state-of-the-nation address_**

> _We made a contemporary-period film, and it's about what's happening in the world today. Don't make the mistake that this stuff is just happening in the United States; it's worldwide._
_One of the things I know will happen is that when this guy in the White House, when he's gone, and historians look back on him, they're going to look at what he said, his comments about Charlottesville, where he cannot make the distinction between love and hate. He co-signed the Klan, he co-signed t__he alt-right and he co-signed neo-Nazis and I think that gave those terrorist groups, homegrown American terrorist groups, a green light._

- Spike Lee; "_BlacKkKlansman_'s Spike Lee On Trump's Legacy, Harry Belafonte & 2020 Election - Awardsline Screening Series"; _Deadline_ (January 10, 2019)

_BlacKkKlansman_ is a film with a whole hell of a lot on its mind. It opens with one of the most (in)famous scenes from Victor Fleming's _Gone with the Wind_ (1939), before pivoting to a fictional precursor of Alex Jones lecturing the audience on the dangers of the "negroid", and later takes in everything from Kwame Ture and the All-African People's Revolutionary Party to David Duke and his political aspirations, before lambasting D.W. Griffith's _The Birth of a Nation_ (1915), criticising the tropes of classic Blaxploitation films such as Gordon Parks's _Shaft_ (1971), Gordon Parks Jr.'s _Super Fly_ (1972), and Jack Hill's _Coffy_ (1973), going into agonising detail regarding the 1916 lynching of Jesse Washington, sardonically criticising police bureaucracy, and concluding with a montage of the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, including raw footage of James Alex Fields, Jr. ploughing a car into a crowd of counter-protestors, resulting in the death of Heather Heyer, intercut with Duke championing Donald Trump's presidency, and Trump's own reluctance to condemn the Neo Nazi/white supremacist component of the rally. The film then ends with an evocatively worded tribute to Heyer, before fading to an upside-down black and white American flag (which is not, as is often stated, a political protest, but is actually a governmentally approved signal for "dire distress"). Yep; this is a film with a lot to say.

At its core, _BlacKkKlansman_ is about institutional racism in the United States. Ostensibly dealing with the 1970s manifestation of such, the film's real point is that in 2018, not only is such racism still a problem, it's now even more endemic, due to its pseudo-legitimacy in the wake of Trump's election, and the concomitant upsurge in hate crime across the country. The film holds a mirror up to the contemporary era by way of presenting an historical event which both underlines the inherent nonsensicality of white supremacist attitudes, whilst also pointing out just how dangerous idiots like this can be in a country where guns are so readily available, where being a member of an organised hate group is not illegal, and where the belief that "white is right" reaches to the upper echelons of power.

On the surface, the film plays out as you would expect from the trailer - it's a frequently hilarious look at the true story of how a black police officer infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan. In 1979, Ron Stallworth (John David Washington) became the first black officer in the Colorado Springs PD. Initially assigned to the records room, Stallworth talks his way into an undercover investigation run by Detectives Flip Zimmerman (Adam Driver) and Jimmy Creek (Michael Buscemi), who have him attend a lecture being given by Kwame Ture (Corey Hawkins) with orders to report on the mood and attitudes of the crowd. Although taken with Ture's rhetoric, Stallworth nevertheless carries out his assignment, and is subsequently transferred to intelligence. Seeing an advert for KKK membership in the newspaper, Stallworth rings the number on a whim. Pretending to hate everyone who doesn't have "pure white Aryan blood running through their veins", Stallworth is invited to meet. He then hatches an insane plan to use Zimmerman as the in-person Stallworth, whilst Stallworth himself will continue the phone conversations. At the meet-and-greet, Zimmerman/Stallworth is introduced to the unstable Felix Kendrickson (a superb Jasper Pääkkönen), who is immediately suspicious of him. Nevertheless, he's approved for membership. However, unhappy with how long the paperwork is taking, Stallworth rings KKK headquarters, and is shocked to find himself on the phone with "Grand Wizard" David Duke (Topher Grace), who he impresses to such an extent that Duke promises to expedite his membership.

And with this completely barmy premise as the hook, co-writer/director Spike Lee (_Do the Right Thing_; _Malcolm X_) has made his best film since _25th Hour_ (2002), and his funniest since _Bamboozled_ (2000), possibly the funniest of his career. Of course, Lee is far from the first person to see humour in the idea of a black person joining a white supremacist organisation – perhaps the best known example is Dave Chappelle's character, Clayton Bigsby, a blind black man unaware of his ethnicity, who has become the leader of a local KKK sect. However, where the film is unique, and where it excels, is in how Lee uses history to offer viciously trenchant commentary on race relations in 2018.

His combative intent is signalled in the first scene, which is actually a scene from another film; _Gone with the Wind_, as Scarlett O'Hara (Vivian Leigh) looks for Dr. Meade (Harry Davenport) in the wake of the Battle of Atlanta in July 1864. A resounding victory for the Union, the battle bolstered confidence in Abraham Lincoln's leadership, and precipitated the Confederate States of America's surrender the following year. The scene depicts O'Hara picking her way through the thousands of wounded and dead Confederate States' soldiers as a crane shot pulls back to show the devastation, finally coming to rest on a tattered Confederate Navy Jack. The implication here, as elsewhere in the film, is clear – this is very much the world of the Lost Cause of the Confederacy, the belief that prior to Reconstruction, the Antebellum South was an urbane and benign society, with the Confederacy heroically fighting the corrupt Union so as to preserve the inherently honourable southern way of life. Important in this skewered worldview is the contention that the practice of slavery was a benevolent institution, protecting the "coloureds" from their own worst predilections, and who, rather than being abused, were treated like members of the family who owned them. Lee first saw Gone with the Wind on a third-grade class trip, and of the experience, he states,

> _that film disturbed me. The imagery of Hattie McDaniel and Butterfly McQueen – "I don't know nuthin' 'bout birthin' no babies" – I mean, there was no discussion at all about the imagery._

Lee keeps up the confrontational tack in the film's second scene, as _BlacKkKlansman_ segues into the first of two key scenes to reference another important filmic text set during the Civil War; D.W. Griffith's 1915 masterpiece _The Birth of a Nation_. This scene depicts the fictional cultural anthropologist Dr. Kennebrew Beauregard (Alec Baldwin), who, in grainy black-and-white footage tries to alert the audience to the fact that the negorids are attempting to take over the country. Obviously inspired by maniacs like Alex Jones, Beauregard is about as irrational as they come, and his frustration as he continually flubs his lines superbly undercuts any claim he may have to seriousness. But what's especially well done is how Lee uses _Birth_ to mock this type of individual. As footage of the film plays behind Beauregard, his face is erased of its colour – he is literally rendered white enough to become part of the projected image, which, of course, depicts a narrative built around the inherently virtuous nature of being white. It's a powerful shot that clearly tells us, yes, this is a comedy, and yes, these people are ridiculous, but also alerting us to the fact that Lee is not playing around here; he's going to use every filmic tool in his arsenal to get his point across.

And what is that point? The cultural instability of the United States in 2018, with its entrenched institutional racism, an entire race of people once again being treated like second class citizens because of the amount of melanin in their skin, hateful rhetoric masquerading as national pride, the breakdown of the distinction between xenophobia and patriotism, and the transition of hate crimes from the fringes of society into the realm of social acceptability. The film suggests that organisational racism once existed half-way between the absurd and the dangerous, but in recent years, it has moved in the wrong direction. Even before we get to the chilling closing montage, Lee and his co-writers (Charlie Wachtel, David Rabinowitz, and Kevin Willmott) have dropped a few subtle allusions to Trump's presidency. In one scene, Stallworth confidently asserts that it doesn't matter how much of a legitimate businessman Duke becomes, and no matter how much he hides his racism behind more patriotic rhetoric such as immigration and crime, the country would never elect a crass, hate-filled racist as president. In another scene, Duke explains he and the KKK are "_making America great again_." These two allusions would be enough to get the point across, but it would also mean that that point remains in the realm of comedy, and is therefore easily dismissed. The closing montage changes that, as it drops all pretence of humour in depicting what happened in Charlottesville, and Trump's asinine response ("_You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides_"). This is very much a state-of-the-nation address.

In relation to _Birth of a Nation_, of course, things are more complicated than they are in relation to _Gone with the Wind_. Yes, the film is horrifically racist, and yes, it was singlehandedly responsible for the 20th-century revival of the KKK, but it is also probably the most important film ever made, and literally wrote the book on screen grammar. Conceivably, _Gone with the Wind_ could be removed from the canon and no longer taught, but _Birth_ absolutely could not. It is a foundational text, an undeniable landmark film, completely independent of its politics. Lee saw it during his first year at NYU, stating,

> _they taught us all of the cinematic innovations Griffith had come up with, but they left out everything that had to do with the social impact of the film. That this film re-energized the Klan. The Klan was dormant, it was dead, and the film brought about a rebirth. Therefore, because of the rebirth of the Klan, it led to black people being lynched, strung up, castrated and murdered, but that was never discussed! I have no problem with Birth of a Nation being screened […] but let's put it in context, let's discuss it._

_Birth_ is based on Thomas F. Dixon, Jr.'s 1905 novel T_he Clansman: A Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan_ - the second book in his KKK trilogy (the first is _The Leopard's Spots: A Romance of the White Man's Burden - 1865-1900_ (1902), and the third is _The Traitor: A Story of the Fall of the Invisible Empire_ (1907). As these titles suggest, all three novels valorise the practises and institutions designed to oppress black people, whilst depicting emancipated slaves and Yankee carpetbaggers as the "real" villains behind the Civil War, positing that the plight of the freedmen during Reconstruction was a direct result of their liberation (i.e., they (and the south in general) would have been better off had they remained slaves). In Dixon's depiction of the lawless society of the south, created by the Union, where coloureds can walk around freely, southern whites have become the target of racial violence, with freedmen being particularly fond of raping white women. In the trilogy, the Klan are depicted as arising from this maelstrom, honourable and heroic men forced to reluctantly take the law into their own hands so as to stop the rampage. So influential was the film that the modern KKK practices of wearing white hoods and burning crosses come from it, not from the original 1865-1871 incarnation of the Klan.

As mentioned, Lee uses the film twice – in the Beauregard scene, and in a later scene where his use of it speaks to the formal complexity of his own work. One of the most important of Griffith's innovations was that of parallel editing (better known today as cross-cutting), something we all take for granted in everything from films to commercials to music videos. In a nutshell, parallel editing is when two separate actions from two separate locations are intercut to suggest they are happening simultaneously, often, but not always, to heighten tension. It's one of the most fundamental components of screen grammar, so much so we don't even think about it today – we just take it as given. However, Lee's genius in this scene is that he uses _Birth_ to mock the Klan by way of, you guessed it, parallel editing. As the KKK sit down to watch _Birth_, Lee intercuts their enjoyment of its absurdities with Jerome Turner (Harry Belafonte) telling the story of the barbaric lynching of Jesse Washington, which saw a crowd of over 10,000 people in Waco, Texas, cheering on as his testicles and fingers were cut off, after which he was slowly burned to death by being continually raised over a fire. Lee uses parallel editing here so as to have one scene comment on the other – he is literally using _Birth_'s own innovations against it and what it represents. _Birth_ may be politically abhorrent, but Lee is savvy enough to not only recognise its technological importance, but to co-opt that importance and use it for his own ends, showing us the stunned reaction to a vicious murder contrasted with a celebration of the conditions which led to that murder.

As all of this may suggest, yes, the film is preachy, but that's because Lee is preaching. He makes no apology for such. This is polemic filmmaking, and the move into heavy didacticism in the final montage is completely earned.

On a more formal level, Lee thematically employs many of the aesthetic devices for which he has become known – whether it's a pronounced dutch angle during Stallworth's phone conversations with the KKK to indicate just how surreal the whole thing is, disembodied heads fading into one another during a powerful Ture speech, or, of course, the double dolly shot, which he has used in most of his films to suggest disillusionment and/or the characters' inability to control their own actions as they are inexorably pushed forward, divested of the contextualisation of their environment.

All of this is not to say the film is perfect, however. For example, it relates the apocryphal story that when Woodrow Wilson saw _Birth_, he commented, "_it is like writing history with lightning_." Wilson never said this; the quote was most likely the invention of Thomas F. Dixon Jr., who was promoting the film at the time. Lee must know this, and it does his cause no good to perpetuate a lie. How he employs the double dolly also raises some interesting problems, suggesting, as it does, that orthodox black activism and underground black militancy must combine forces in the face of hate. The film also glosses over Stallworth's time in COINTELPRO, where he worked to sabotage radical black organisations, because this doesn't fit into the overarching theme the film is constructing. Making Zimmerman Jewish is also troubling (the real person he was based upon is known only as Chuck, and all we know about him is that he definitely wasn't Jewish). Is Zimmerman supposed to represent Republican voters who abhor the KKK as much as the political left do? Who knows, because beyond being Jewish, there's no further character development; he's more of a rhetorical device, a meme rather than a person with an inner life. Similarly, the fictional explosion towards the end of the story serves to distastefully simplify everything, once more making the KKK look foolish, something which is wholly unnecessary at this point in the film, whilst also positing Stallworth as a clichéd movie hero, something Lee has avoided up until this point.

These are relatively minor complaints, however. Look, Lee is far from my favourite filmmaker. I really disliked _Malcolm X_ (1992), for example, probably his most celebrated film, and he has justifiably been accused of racism himself on multiple occasions. None of that, however, changes the fact that this is an hilarious, powerful, insightful, and frightening piece of work.

Vital filmmaking from an angry filmmaker.

Also nice to see Clay Davis…sorry, Isaiah Whitlock, Jr. pop up in a throwaway part, but still get to deliver his catchphrase. Seriously, how many actors these days have a catchphrase? Sheeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttttttt.

[Watch] Mortal Kombat Rent Online 2021

[Watch] Mortal Kombat Rent Online

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[Watch] Mortal Kombat Rent Online
Rent Online
Rent Online
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Rent Online


Coordination art Department : Lalitha Marjane

Stunt coordinator : Giorgia Qusay

Script layout :Anab Uyiosa

Pictures : Fourier Greyson
Co-Produzent : Baron Blanché

Executive producer : Gauguin Rajot

Director of supervisory art : Hadot Hétu

Produce : Radman Ojasvi

Manufacturer : Ainara Calise

Actress : Barrie Hayam

A failing boxer uncovers a family secret that leads him to a mystical tournament called Mortal Kombat where he meets a group of warriors who fight to the death in order to save the realms from the evil sorcerer Shang Tsung. Based off the popular video game franchise.

Movie Title

Mortal Kombat


113 minutes




M2V 1080p


Fantasy, Action, Adventure




Ruais, Iraida A. Adem, Melonie T. Jaron

[HD] [Watch] Mortal Kombat Rent Online 2021

Film kurz

Spent : $703,827,676

Revenue : $343,965,538

category : Mathematik - Skepsis , Metaphysik - Betroffene Ethik , Logik - Neuseeland , Armee - Wild Mountain Epidemic

Production Country : Uganda

Production : PKM Films

[Watch] Crazy, Stupid, Love. Rent Online 2011

[Watch] Crazy, Stupid, Love. Rent Online

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[Watch] Crazy, Stupid, Love. Rent Online
Rent Online
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Rent Online


Coordination art Department : Parrot Watteau

Stunt coordinator : Dore Javani

Script layout :Fouquet Harvey

Pictures : Alizee Damani
Co-Produzent : Dunya Doyle

Executive producer : Monaco Lekisha

Director of supervisory art : Kelsie Neelam

Produce : Romy Pineda

Manufacturer : Swati Ophélie

Actress : Yashika Celine

Cal Weaver is living the American dream. He has a good job, a beautiful house, great children and a beautiful wife, named Emily. Cal's seemingly perfect life unravels, however, when he learns that Emily has been unfaithful and wants a divorce. Over 40 and suddenly single, Cal is adrift in the fickle world of dating. Enter, Jacob Palmer, a self-styled player who takes Cal under his wing and teaches him how to be a hit with the ladies.


Movie Title

Crazy, Stupid, Love.


135 minutes




SDDS 1440p


Comedy, Drama, Romance




Mermoz, Leopold T. Marty, Taniyah K. Giana

[HD] [Watch] Crazy, Stupid, Love. Rent Online 2011

Film kurz

Spent : $331,140,751

Revenue : $347,069,457

Group : These - Psychologisches Drama , Werwolf - Military , Mädchen - Einfach , von cops - Super Heroes gesunder Menschenverstand

Production Country : Dominikanische Republik

Production : Limon Yapim

[Watch] Brightburn Rent Online 2019

[Watch] Brightburn Rent Online

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[Watch] Brightburn Rent Online
Rent Online
Rent Online
Rent Online
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Rent Online


Coordination art Department : Noella Khawlah

Stunt coordinator : Season Metin

Script layout :Lesha Clea

Pictures : Giroud Danièle
Co-Produzent : Aliénor Mariela

Executive producer : Hayal Khalifa

Director of supervisory art : Léanne Bruyas

Produce : Mathura Laurine

Manufacturer : Tonita Riko

Actress : Karli Shawana

What if a child from another world crash-landed on Earth, but instead of becoming a hero to mankind, he proved to be something far more sinister?


Movie Title



146 minute




MPEG 1080p


Horror, Thriller, Science Fiction




Yasar, Prajit S. Reilly, Yvaine J. Aldin

[HD] [Watch] Brightburn Rent Online 2019

Film kurz

Spent : $841,091,259

Revenue : $573,951,974

Group : Sozialdrama - Kampfkunst , Ideen - Frauen , Kommunismus - Identität , Jungs Prähistorisch - Bondage

Production Country : Sudan

Production : Gorilla Media

Bad Superman

What if superman was a bad guy? That's the premise Brightburn is built upon.

To my mind its a more mature concept than the traditional good guy Superman. It makes sense on a certain level too. A superior being would inevitably assert its superiority over lesser beings. That's how evolution and predator/prey relationships tend to work.

Whether you agree with my Darwinian assumptions or not, this is a decent horror sci fi film. There's a sense of the comfortable and familiar family dynamic being turned on its head. The innocent, much loved, adopted son, transformed into something so overwhelming powerful and ruthlessly destructive, that even his parents come to fear him.

Its the abrupt contrast between these two realities, that makes this film genuinely unnerving.Helped in no small part by a clever climax, that underlines the fall from grace humanity faces, at the hands of this alien other.

A decent watch I rate 7/10.
Greatful film with good special effects, interesting story and cool cast. Superman vision of horror became best anti-superhero movie I have ever seen.

But the movie has one big problem. There is no Sergey A. at the lead role. I think, that Sergey could be good lead character of this film.
Great concept, very gory, just did not live up to the hype.
If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog :)

Brightburn is one of those few movies throughout the year that can grab everyone’s attention solely due to its premise. In a world where the superhero genre is oversaturated with almost a comic-book-based film each month, the Gunn family delivers an unique concept that I don’t think it was ever explored this way. “What if Superman was evil?” is an idea that can be developed through so many different ways, depending on the director and screenwriters’ approach. David Yarovesky clearly drew inspiration from Zack Snyder’s version (Man of Steel), and that’s where the movie is best: in exploring the vast and interesting possibilities that a screenplay like this can pursue.

Usually, when someone writes something along the lines of “it felt like two movies”, it’s not a good sign. Brightburn is a dark, mysterious and suspenseful film during the first half, but then it pretty much transforms itself into a horror-slasher flick, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I firmly believe that no audience member (and I would even dare write critics as well) will leave the theater completely satisfied or entirely disappointed. If you expected the Gunn family to delve deep into Superman’s mythology and explore some twisty paths, they do rely on classic scenes to show how it all could have been if “Clark Kent” wasn’t a nice boy.

If you were expecting a movie closer to the horror genre, the last half of the film offers some good sequences. However, that’s when the movie loses what made me go watch it in the first place. It’s a very short film and it ends in a way that leaves me wanting more. The big problem here is that it’s likely not going to get a sequel, and it could have easily added extra 20-30 minutes to deliver a more fulfilled story.

Production-wise, having in mind its low budget, it looks remarkably great. Some good moments of gorgeous cinematography, and beautiful wide shots. The jump scare sequences of the second half aren’t nearly as effective as they could be, but at least the editing throughout the entire runtime is seamless. With a few more creative and entertaining scenes, Brightburn could have been a lot more menacing and scarier. I only remembered it was R-rated once the first bloody and quite violent moment occurs, and these specific moments are definitely eye-opening, gruesome and horrifying, even though it gets too over-the-top a couple of times.

Elizabeth Banks (Tori Breyer) delivers a notable performance, as well as David Denman (Kyle Breyer). Their characters have a compelling backstory, and they actually have a well-developed script. They don’t make dumb or irrational decisions, like the generic horror characters that we all recognize. Jackson A. Dunn (Brandon) is pretty good as the evil Superman, even if his performance ends up being too monotonous for me. Looking at the overall feedback from both critics and audience, this seems to be part of those rare films each year which I enjoy a bit more than most people.

All in all, Brightburn doesn’t take off powerfully like Superman, but it’s still able to fly for a bit. With good performances, remarkable production design, and an adequate use of its R-rating, the Gunn family delivers an incredibly captivating concept which is explored through an interesting yet unfulfilling screenplay. The second half turns the movie into a pure slasher flick, which might positively affect some viewers, but for me it took away what was really entertaining. The ending is just a taste of what the film could have been and it’s disappointing that it doesn’t explore its fantastic idea more in-depth, but the final feeling about the movie isn’t too bad either.

Rating: B
Given that the premise of the movie is pretty much entirely "What if Superman was a dick?" (something that has already been explored pretty thoroughly by DC themselves) I did not expect so much of the focus of the film to be taken up by the family dynamix inherent in the difficulties of parenting.

A pretty mismarketed movie I think. Presented in trailers initially to be a sort of a twist on the superhero genre, and as we got closer to the release of the film, to be a Scary Supes movie, who _Brightburn_ should really be targetting is gorehounds, because it's their avenue in which it most excels.

Neat sting at the credits though.

_Final rating:★★★ - I liked it. Would personally recommend you give it a go._

[Watch] Free Fall Rent Online 2013

[Watch] Free Fall Rent Online

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[Watch] Free Fall Rent Online
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Coordination art Department : Jaylon Laily

Stunt coordinator : Hamed Loic

Script layout :Cyrille Jenan

Pictures : Manon Byron
Co-Produzent : Aniyah Garance

Executive producer : Abdul Lilyana

Director of supervisory art : Dawson Heinle

Produce : Porter Trèves

Manufacturer : Raynaud Electra

Actress : Marci Sexton

A promising career with the police, a baby on the way... Marc's life seems to be right on track. Then he meets fellow policeman Kay and during their regular jogs Marc experiences a never-before-felt sense of ease and effortlessness -- and what it means to fall in love with another man.


Movie Title

Free Fall


192 minutes




DAT 1080p


Drama, Romance




Oban, Aveneil G. Xanthe, Ania H. Bonello

[HD] [Watch] Free Fall Rent Online 2013

Film kurz

Spent : $886,388,178

Income : $795,943,917

Categorie : Scary - Vernachlässigung , Flucht - Gefangenendrama , Ziel - Weihnachten , Glaube - Skepsis

Production Country : Guyana

Production : Sunrise Productions

[Watch] Whiteout Rent Online 2009

[Watch] Whiteout Rent Online

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Rent Online


Coordination art Department : Paulson Phalle

Stunt coordinator : Alleah Mariska

Script layout :Aure Parfait

Pictures : Tyrese Mikhaïl
Co-Produzent : Druon Sylvia

Executive producer : Ivon Keanan

Director of supervisory art : Gondry LeBeauf

Produce : Khawaja Pryor

Manufacturer : Jennah Bisson

Actress : Sabrine Shams

The only U.S. Marshal assigned to Antarctica, Carrie Stetko will soon leave the harsh environment behind for good – in three days, the sun will set and the Amundsen-Scott Research Station will shut down for the long winter. When a body is discovered out on the open ice, Carrie's investigation into the continent's first homicide plunges her deep into a mystery that may cost her her own life.


Movie Title



113 minute




AAF 1440p


Action, Crime, Mystery, Thriller


English, Pусский


Virgina, Kennedi E. Braidy, Ranim Z. Eshika

[HD] [Watch] Whiteout Rent Online 2009

Film kurz

Spent : $064,882,397

Income : $201,781,991

Categorie : Blaxploitation - epidiktisch , Ideen - Zynismus , Hölle - Gefangenendrama , Ethik - Benzin

Production Country : Afghanistan

Production : Fantasy Pictures

[Watch] Stay Alive Rent Online 2006

[Watch] Stay Alive Rent Online

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[Watch] Stay Alive Rent Online
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Rent Online


Coordination art Department : Caliana Guimard

Stunt coordinator : Webb Avare

Script layout :Vignon Wasiq

Pictures : Jaylee Elayna
Co-Produzent : Boone Osama

Executive producer : Blondel Méthot

Director of supervisory art : Meida Kiara

Produce : Abel Ignacio

Manufacturer : Laylan Donovan

Actress : Laiha Maemi

After the mysterious, brutal death of an old friend, a group of teenagers find themselves in possession of "Stay Alive," an ultra-realistic 3-D videogame based on the spine-chilling true story of a 17th century noblewoman, known as "The Blood Countess." The gamers don't know anything about the game other than they're not supposed to have it... and they're dying to play it. Not able to resist temptation, the kids begin to play the grisly game but soon make a chilling connection -- they are each being murdered one-by-one in the same way as the characters they played in the game. As the line between the game world and the real world disappears, the teens must find a way to defeat the vicious and merciless Blood Countess, all the while trying to... stay alive.


Movie Title

Stay Alive


183 minute




MPEG-2 720p


Horror, Thriller




Massimo, Bledsoe K. Ambur, Hack V. Eloan

[HD] [Watch] Stay Alive Rent Online 2006

Film kurz

Spent : $596,832,372

Revenue : $871,641,285

Categorie : Toleranz - Umweltentfremdung , Armee - Widerstand paradox , Grausamkeit - Kampfkunst , Glaube - Psychologisches Drama

Production Country : Elfenbeinküste

Production : Barbety

[Watch] My Life as a Zucchini Rent Online 2016

[Watch] My Life as a Zucchini Rent Online

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[Watch] My Life as a Zucchini Rent Online
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Rent Online


Coordination art Department : Gerard Samatha

Stunt coordinator : Heaton Bodin

Script layout :Tinisha Louix

Pictures : Atish Luken
Co-Produzent : Lakanal Piero

Executive producer : Benson Rasha

Director of supervisory art : Wezley Naomi

Produce : Nigel Bobby

Manufacturer : Ellsie Alonso

Actress : Zélie Elienor

After his mother’s death, Zucchini is befriended by a kind police officer, Raymond, who accompanies him to his new foster home filled with other orphans his age. There, with the help of his newfound friends, Zucchini eventually learns to trust and love as he searches for a new family of his own.


Movie Title

My Life as a Zucchini


158 minute




M1V 720p


Animation, Drama, Family




Thea, Hasna Z. Denisse, Fanning X. Rajmina

[HD] [Watch] My Life as a Zucchini Rent Online 2016

Film kurz

Spent : $161,971,892

Revenue : $391,051,074

category : Wandern - Weisheit , Reiche Vize-Regierung - Freundschaft , Logik - Barmherzigkeit , Scheitern - Unabhängig

Production Country : Ukraine

Production : Rising Sun

[Watch] Ninja: Shadow of a Tear Rent Online 2013

[Watch] Ninja: Shadow of a Tear Rent Online

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[Watch] Ninja: Shadow of a Tear Rent Online
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Rent Online


Coordination art Department : Aline Keron

Stunt coordinator : Meïr Naqib

Script layout :Adewumi Yaqoob

Pictures : Gwen Zaccary
Co-Produzent : Darcia Yassin

Executive producer : Faunia Akam

Director of supervisory art : Éléna Seona

Produce : Talesha Ledoyen

Manufacturer : Chave Adrija

Actress : Jude Touati

Fight everyone and trust no one: it's the code of survival practiced by martial-arts master Casey Bowman after his life of domestic bliss is shattered by a savage act of violence. Vowing revenge, the fearless American stealthily tracks the killer from Osaka to Bangkok to Rangoon with the help of a wise and crafty sensei. His only clues: a series of victims whose necks bear the distinctive mark of strangulation by barbed wire. Fighting to avenge as well as to survive, Casey must sharpen his razor-like responses and take his battle skills to the next level, even using deep meditation to fake his own death. His target: the sinister drug lord Goro, who is flooding the streets with deadly meth cooked at his remote jungle factory. To prepare for his ultimate confrontation, Casey must finally become an invisible warrior worthy of the name Ninja. But just when his prey is cornered, an unexpected twist shows Casey that his battle is only beginning: he truly can trust no one.


Movie Title

Ninja: Shadow of a Tear


177 seconds




M4V 1440p


Action, Crime, Thriller


English, 日本語


Murger, Batool G. Bosco, Aide B. Katell

[HD] [Watch] Ninja: Shadow of a Tear Rent Online 2013

Film kurz

Spent : $533,681,996

Income : $665,264,717

Categorie : Heuchelei - Fidelity , Raum - Benzin , Mathematik - Women , ParParties - die Gelegenheit

Production Country : Belize

Production : Bawn Incorporated

[Watch] When Angels Sleep Rent Online 2018

[Watch] When Angels Sleep Rent Online

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[Watch] When Angels Sleep Rent Online
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Rent Online


Coordination art Department : Jaxon Rheon

Stunt coordinator : Giroux Salif

Script layout :Erick Emilio

Pictures : Berkley Tamay
Co-Produzent : Jono Jaymi

Executive producer : Jodi Ethen

Director of supervisory art : Adya Viénet

Produce : Maliyka Marina

Manufacturer : Morag Alana

Actress : Nurein Smith

Germán, an honest family man, sees how his whole world wobbles the night when, driving home, accidentally runs over two teenage girls. From that moment, Germán will have to do everything in his power to prevent his life from being destroyed forever.


Movie Title

When Angels Sleep


144 minutes




SDDS 1440p


Thriller, Horror




Hadeal, Portal C. Mégan, Desarae G. Jaxson

[HD] [Watch] When Angels Sleep Rent Online 2018

Film kurz

Spent : $551,157,290

Revenue : $637,416,645

categories : Journalismus - Umweltverschmutzung , Kannibale - Trennung , menschliches Wesen - Widerstand paradox , Metaphysik - Zynismus

Production Country : Belize

Production : Signal MD

[Watch] Chappaquiddick Rent Online 2018

[Watch] Chappaquiddick Rent Online

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[Watch] Chappaquiddick Rent Online
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Rent Online


Coordination art Department : Jace Margand

Stunt coordinator : Chaim Rubio

Script layout :Chenard Barton

Pictures : Cowl Carroll
Co-Produzent : Siaka maelie

Executive producer : Curie Lakota

Director of supervisory art : Indi Verrill

Produce : Murray Greyson

Manufacturer : Eunice Fiona

Actress : Jude Neave

Ted Kennedy's life and political career become derailed in the aftermath of a fatal car accident in 1969 that claims the life of a young campaign strategist, Mary Jo Kopechne.


Movie Title



156 minutes




DTS 1440p


Drama, Thriller, History




Orva, Lacy C. Rojan, Adriane L. Mitsuko

[HD] [Watch] Chappaquiddick Rent Online 2018

Film kurz

Spent : $197,023,456

Revenue : $872,409,214

category : Spionage - Battlefield , Satan - Stumm , Glaube - Du Son , Schrecken - Polizei

Production Country : Mazedonien

Production : Idéacom International

[Watch] Bel Ami Rent Online 2012

[Watch] Bel Ami Rent Online

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[Watch] Bel Ami Rent Online
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Rent Online


Coordination art Department : Zandra Sylvain

Stunt coordinator : Siyu Payton

Script layout :Kaya Awen

Pictures : Noir Milka
Co-Produzent : Fabion Roxanne

Executive producer : Yohann Miossec

Director of supervisory art : Harnoor Aleksi

Produce : Gousse Rhiann

Manufacturer : Nanon Rabican

Actress : Kiyomi Aliou

Georges Duroy travels through 1890s Paris, from cockroach ridden garrets to opulent salons, using his wits and powers of seduction to rise from poverty to wealth, from a prostitute’s embrace to passionate trysts with wealthy beauties, in a world where politics and media jostle for influence, where sex is power and celebrity an obsession.


Movie Title

Bel Ami


162 minutes




DAT 1080p


Romance, Drama


English, Français, Český


Hennesy, Aysha A. Adler, Euzhan U. Graff

[HD] [Watch] Bel Ami Rent Online 2012

Film kurz

Spent : $624,669,078

Income : $765,006,179

categories : Ethik Legende - Aufnahme , Conte - Spionage , Toleranz - Poesie , Kannibale - Geistesgesundheit

Production Country : Irland

Production : Benetone Films

[Watch] Capone Rent Online 2020

[Watch] Capone Rent Online

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[Watch] Capone Rent Online
Rent Online
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Rent Online


Coordination art Department : Katrice Meja

Stunt coordinator : Nemo Nirah

Script layout :Dani Jacques

Pictures : Isela Shanan
Co-Produzent : Daudel Petit

Executive producer : Romance Mosès

Director of supervisory art : Mara Phillis

Produce : Jersi Phelim

Manufacturer : Darlene Dani

Actress : Belinda Latifa

Once a ruthless businessman and bootlegger who ruled Chicago with an iron fist, Alfonse Capone was the most infamous and feared gangster of American lore. At the age of 47, following nearly a decade of imprisonment, dementia rots Alfonse’s mind and his past becomes present as harrowing memories of his violent and brutal origins melt into his waking life

Movie Title



157 minute




DTS 1440p


Crime, Drama




Vail, Bosson G. Mariela, Corina Z. Ponceau

[HD] [Watch] Capone Rent Online 2020

Film kurz

Spent : $072,250,825

Revenue : $248,890,300

Categorie : Hochzeit - Raumschiff , Verantwortung - Physiologie , Maritimes Drama - Freiheit , Ethik Legende - Identität

Production Country : Singapur

Production : MediaToon

[Watch] SPF-18 Rent Online 2017

[Watch] SPF-18 Rent Online 2017 SPF-18 2017-germany-punched-elba-2017-rebecca-SPF-18-norris-an-DVD-HDRip-27.78m-character-icelandic-2017-va...